Democrats Want to Abolish I.C.E.

Time to Abolish the Democratic Party



Abolition – the action or an act of abolishing a system, practice, or institution.

  • Synonyms: termination, eradication, elimination, extermination, destruction, annihilation, obliteration, or extirpation.

Hypocrite – a person who indulges in hypocrisy.

  • Synonyms: pretender, dissembler, deceiver, liar, pietist, sanctimonious person, phony, fraud, sham or fake.

According to the Democratic Party of 2018, we must abolish the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (I.C.E.) and replace it with something else. What that something else should be, they never say.

Perhaps I.C.E. could be replaced by the same left-wing mobs that are going around harassing conservatives in restaurants, department stores, movie theaters and gas stations, and standing around holding signs, screaming and yelling nonsense at the top of their lungs every weekend. This might just be enough to drive away terrorists, smugglers, gangs, and drug cartels. Nah, that won’t work.

Also, according to Democrats, a woman should have the right to choose to have an abortion, resulting in the annihilation of her own unborn child. To punish a woman for choosing extermination, which is her right, is morally unconscionable, according to Democrats.

Yet, when it comes to health care, in defending Obamacare, Democrats reason that whether male, female, or somewhere in between, anyone declining coverage should indeed be punished, via the income tax code (i.e. the individual mandate). You either play, or you pay.

So, let’s get this straight. Under the Democratic Party’s philosophy, you have a right to choose not to be covered by health insurance, but if you do you will be punished financially. Yet, a woman should have the right to terminate the life of her unborn child without consequence. Well, you’re either for freedom or you’re not. Selectively choosing when, or for whom it applies is hypocrisy.

The left-wing movement du jour, the push to abolish I.C.E., is sounding more and more like a Russian propaganda campaign. Quick, somebody call the Special Counsel! Nah, that won’t work either.

The next course of action should be to officially abolish the Democratic Party, which has renounced the use of reason to such a degree that it is effectively obliterating itself. It’s extirpation is just a matter of time. What America needs is a new political party, one that doesn’t recklessly commit hypocrisy on such fundamental American principles as our freedom and sovereignty.

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